It’s Been A Year!

It’s hard to believe it’s already been a year since I started this blog. It was two years in the making and I never expected it to grow this fast.

The Journey

I had toyed with the idea of running a blog on and off for a few years but it wasn’t until COVID hit that I actually started seriously thinking about it. I had just finished my undergrad course at uni and spent three months shut up in my student accommodation with one of my flatmates. We kept ourselves entertained with family quizzes, binge watching Criminal Minds, drinking (of course) and a whole host of other things, but none of that changed the fact that I was bored. So bored.

I’d been writing stories, obviously, but where that had been enough to keep me intellectually entertained between uni work and a social life, I was suddenly relying on it being the only thing I actually used any brain power for. So, I decided to try my hand at running a blog. I figured, along with keeping me busy, it would also allow me to get my writing out there in a credible and professional way.

It took a while to get going - I had absolutely no idea how to run a website (and I’m still figuring it out a whole year later) and that was only my first challenge. I also had to figure out what I would write about, how I would promote it, and what kind of schedule would work best. I’m glad to say I’ve figured most of that out now, although I’m still learning every day.

Also, I started a new job not even a month after I made my first post here. I landed my first ‘adult’ (professional) job and it made me rethink doing a blog at all. I had no idea how I was going to manage posting regularly, as I’d originally planned my posting schedule around my previous job as a waitress. I also had no idea how intellectually consuming this new job would be, or if I would even have the mental capacity to write recreationally as well. I made it work (clearly 😉) and I’ve never looked back. I love my job, and I love doing this just as much.

What’s Next?

Well, that is the question.

Of course, I plan to continue this blog indefinitely. I’ll still be posting a blog at the beginning of every month, and continue building my portfolio with a post in the middle of every month.

I’m also trialling a comments section on my blogs, I get several of the same readers every month and would love to interact with them more. So, let me know in the comments what you think, I’d love to hear it even if it’s a criticism!

Onto more exciting news…I’m writing a book! It’s slow going - my time is limited between my job, doing this, and my personal life, but it’s getting there. I won’t give any plot details away yet, it’s too early for that, but it’s a similar genre to a lot of what;’s in my portfolio so hopefully you’ll like it.

I know this was a bit short in comparison to some of my other posts, but I just wanted to do a little update, and celebrate the first birthday of my blog.

Oh, and Happy Pride Month everyone!



The Little Mermaid (2023)


The Met Gala 2023